'Organic OverdubbinG'
MAster's Project - Frederik den Toom - 21435376
Dear visitor, thank you for stopping by this page! All content that can be read, viewed, and listened to here is related to my final project, which was part of my Record Production (MA) course at LCM/UWL in London. Some items have been marked and/or arranged in a specific way, seeing they are referenced in the project's main accompanying critical commentary, and correlate to its contents and structure. Therefore some things on this page might seem random, or out of order, at least when they aren't considered in context. The video I made for this project (linked below, CLICK TV ICON), also an assignment for the same module (A3), provides a general summary of the: 'What?' 'Why?' & 'How?' of this project. I also included the critical commentary so the content on this page may be contextualised by whomsoever desires. To understand the development of some of the concepts that are relevant to this project, I have also created a separate page with some previous work and assignments for other modules, these either directly, or indirectly relate to this final effort and preceded it.
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